Sugar, spice and everything nice - my left foot! More like vinegar, salt, and if-I-kill-them-it-ain't-my-fault! So you think she needs an old-school-southern-style whoopin ' but your spouse doesn't believe in spanking children. You've been arguing about "What the heck a time-out even is " and you're about ready to send BOTH your baby girl AND your spouse back to Jesus! What do you do when you were both raised in different cultures and have different views on parenting? Hey Fam-Lei! Lady XO here! Now... because I'm not any kind of child psychology expert; I first have to say that these ideas and practices come from a place of personal opinion and experience only. I'm just a mom/step-mom of 10 kids, youth pastor, and former teacher; therefore, would consider myself an experienced COACH at best! But mostly, I'm just a friend sharing my story! And before I continue... It's important to look at this topic in two parts: 1) The Parenting I...
SHE'S happy! HE'S nappy! This island girl married a dread-headed Cajun and THEIR interracial love is an example to all that LOVE has no colors or boundaries! Live, LAUGH and LOVE as they bring humor and light to some serious marital and family topics!