Press play to listen to the audio-blog Day to day, we will clock in and clock out begrudgingly to a job that pays us less than we deserve... We do it faithfully... It's called going to WORK. Hey fam-lei!!! Lady XO here! 👋 I know we've all heard the unromantic saying that "marriage is work" but have you ever REALLY it thought about it like a duty? It's our DUTY to strive to be good spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. But do you WORK on your relationships? Think about it... We will smile in the faces of our @$$hole co-workers and listen to every word our bosses tell us; and for most of us... We do it WITHOUT hesitation or argumentation. Because we VALUE our job and want to keep it! But... Then we go home and think all of our WORK is done... As if the title you hold at your job is the ONLY hat you wear... But no... We have families and relationships outside of our jobs that take a considerable amount more WORK than our 9-5's and ...
SHE'S happy! HE'S nappy! This island girl married a dread-headed Cajun and THEIR interracial love is an example to all that LOVE has no colors or boundaries! Live, LAUGH and LOVE as they bring humor and light to some serious marital and family topics!