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HWNL | Handling Confrontation

The thing about bombs is that they're predictable...  

They're the same yesterday as they are today...  

If you ignite the fuse, it will explode...  

But a bomb is only dangerous in the hands of someone with the wrong intention.

For; if placed in the right hands, a bomb can help aid the demolition of a construction crew, saving both time and money...  

Or it can help in the excavation of new places of wonder...

However, in the wrong hands, it can be used as a tool for demise and mass destruction.

No matter the purpose...

It still has one action...

To explode...

Therefore people don't keep them in places they don't want them to accidentally explode and cause them damages.

They run when a black cat is ignited on the 4th of July because they aren't certain if the length of the fuse is long enough NOT to explode by them, causing pain...

But a bomb...

Unpurchased and left on a shelf...

Has NO power at all...

NO WAY of entering into your existence to pose a threat at all...

And THAT is how we must view confrontation...

In the right place and at the right time; in the hands of a carpenter...  It can be CONSTRUCTIVE...

In the hands of of someone like Osama Bin Laden, it's DESTRUCTIVE.

It's important NOT to BUY in to unnecessary confrontation...  

Leave that bomb on the shelf!!!

Don't entertain it...

Sure, you may be an excellent bomb-handler now but that doesn't mean if you let too many go off around you, that your kingdom won't start looking like a war zone...

If you're always confrontational, people in your kingdom will no longer feel safe and you will find yourself a lonely soldier in a "war zone" all alone...

"Pick and choose your battles"

Is a saying that is so underspent!!!

Because the truth is sometimes a little confrontation is necessary for positive changes to take place...

So bombs are a necessary evil...  

As are confrontations... 

But if we use them for the greater good armed in LOVE, we will find INSTEAD that we have an army of comrades fighting by our side...  And we are not alone...

Also, don't find yourself on the losing side of a battle that has already been won...

Meaning, certain confrontations are not meant for you...

No, they don't need your two cents!

It is what it is because you can't have your way ALL the time!

Putting in your two cents here isn't going to do (what we call in the south) a NAL-NUTTER!!!


So why dispell negativity and ruin your peace by creating unnecessary confrontation...

Meaning...  SOME people in your world, the spirit will come out of nowhere with random hate to test if your peace is real.

I received an inbox from one of my adult kids who were angry because they couldn't push their weight and get what they wanted out of my home.

I didn't even open it...

All they wanted was a match to ignite this bomb inside of their chest...

Which they are more than welcome to do...

Over there 👉👉👉👉

But answering and responding would only grant them access to my peace...

Which I don't give away so frivolously anymore...

Realizing that PEACE is the WHOLE PURPOSE of war in the first place...

Oxymoronic isn't it???

People want PEACE so they start WAR!

We set off bombs left and right hoping for PEACE to be the outcome???

No wonder why Donald Trump became President.

What an oxy-moron... (Akekekekeke, c'mon y'all that was funny stuff! 😂)


The key to happiness in marriage as well as extramarital relationships with friends and family is to ALWAYS approach a confrontation on YOUR OWN TERMS (if possible) and ALWAYS coming from a place of LOVE.

If you're coming from a place of love in your heart, love is God and God is love so you can never go wrong...

It may sound cliche but the cliche things they write in Hallmark cards ARE written there for a reason...

Mostly because they're TRUE...

So take heed to the words you are now Hallmarking, and become the sensei of your own mind...

Just understand, there will ALWAYS be a conflict of some sort.

The fairy tale idea of "happily ever after" is only a half truth of reality.

If you approach life in understanding and preparation for your next conflict, you will not be SURPRISED or caught off guard when shots are fired.

You will know how to respond because you will have went into the "dojo" of your mind in "preparation" for these very scenarios and you inadvertently become a PRACTICED SOLDIER of the craft.

My prayer for all of you is that you learn to first put on the full armor of GOD before crossing into any warfield.

Become the "sensei" of your mind before you walk into any of life's  "dojo's".


There will be SOMEONE in your world who sees you soldier and thanks you for your service. 

Until next time fam-lei 💓 

✌ Two-doze ✌ 


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