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We do it faithfully...
It's called going to WORK.
Hey fam-lei!!! Lady XO here! 👋
I know we've all heard the unromantic saying that "marriage is work" but have you ever REALLY it thought about it like a duty?
It's our DUTY to strive to be good spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, etc.
But do you WORK on your relationships?
Think about it...
We will smile in the faces of our @$$hole co-workers and listen to every word our bosses tell us; and for most of us... We do it WITHOUT hesitation or argumentation.
Because we VALUE our job and want to keep it!
But... Then we go home and think all of our WORK is done...
As if the title you hold at your job is the ONLY hat you wear...
But no...
We have families and relationships outside of our jobs that take a considerable amount more WORK than our 9-5's and yet...
We will NOT show up faithfully to those jobs...
We will complain about our "husband/wife roles" to other people...
We will talk disrespectful to our significant others...
We even stop "getting dressed up" for our lovers but will get shaved up or put a full face of makeup on for WORK!
And treat the people that we LOVE as though they aren't worth just as much effort as our EMPLOYER.
What's crazy is...
We go to work for THEM!
But come home and treat them like our bosses treat US.
We will forget to praise them for their efforts.
We will talk down to them and threaten "THEIR POSITION" within the relationship.
We will go a step further however and curse out the ones we love or speak to them in ways we wouldn't DREAM of speaking to our bosses at work.
We will have more patience and restraint for coworkers and people whom show us the opposite of love or affection...
We will work HARDER at our jobs than we do in our relationships...
We will even INVEST in a business we deem valuable but won't put any money into our children's education or helping our families in times of need.
We will PAY to WORK.
But we WON'T pay or invest the same time and energy into our falling back in love with or dating our spouses again.
Imagine if you showed up in your marriage the way you showed up for work?
(If you're a p!$$ poor employee, then this might not be the best analogy for you...)
But imagine...
If you showed up EVERYDAY ready to WORK in your marriage...
Just like work, it may not be what you FEEL like doing at the moment...
You don't feel like looking at your annoying (co-worker) {spouse} today and smiling in their face but you do it...
They will get the most polished and professional side of us while we go home and give our families the tired, run-down and cranky versions of us...
And you know what?
They ACCEPT it...
Because they know you have another JOB to clock in to.
But what happens when the people in your life need MORE than the scraps you're giving them?
What if they ask US for a raise?
Being honest...
You know what we do??? We treat them like "ungrateful employees" and put them on punishment instead of taking a real look within...
You will fire them... Replace them with someone else who probably won't even work as hard as they did.
You will do ANYTHING but WORK HARDER to be a better BOSS!
But picture this scenario...
You woke up every morning and got done up for your spouse?
You packed a picnic instead of a lunchbox and had lunch with your SPOUSE instead of your coworkers?
You gave them the respect to LISTEN to their grievances and offer solutions, much like you do at work...
Without resentment, with respect...
What if you stopped trying to "seek other employees" and just made an effort to appreciate and help make the ONE employee you already have EVEN BETTER?
Heck, even your job has a "company picnic" or some type of appreciation type of thing for their employees.
When is the last time you acknowledged one of your kids as your little EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH?
Or gave your wife a "bonus" and took her shopping or something?
When is the last time you got yourself dolled up and flirted with your BOSS {husband} sis?
The point of it all is this...
If there is a relationship in your life that is lacking in some way...
I challenge you to become a better BOSS or employee and give that relationship some extra attention.
Clock in to your varied relationships like you do your job and even MORESO.
Watch how your relationships begin to flourish and "company productivity" begins to skyrocket!!!
Once again,
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