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No Call | A Mother's Day Poem

Dedicated to all the mom's out there who likely won't get their pearls on earth...

(A Mother's Day Poem)

By: XO The Realest

They didn't call...
And it's okay...
Today is just another day...
And superheros cannot stop...
Saving the world to take a break...

These are the things that she will say,
To her church friends this Sunday...
When they ask her what her kids have
planned for her this Mother's Day...

Though others look at her and seem sympathetic...
They sit in pews and take their places...
Knowing later they will be kissing THEIR moms on their pretty faces...

But here she sits...

Praying for EVERY grown child's home...

Spending the entire day meant for celebrating HER sacrifice ALONE?

They didn't call...

Yet she sits tall...

And curiosity got the best of me...

I asked her why she celebrated children who seem to treat her dastardly?

Quizzically, she began to speak...

In an eloquent menagerie...
Of words she began painting an inspiring tale for me...

"She's a superstar..."

She said...

As she speaks lovingly of her daughter...

"And he's a GENIUS chef..."

She smiles, talking of her oldest son...

"She's the most supportive wife-to-be..."

Another daughter...  she speaks on...

"To help him get through college, she works so tirelessly..."

"He takes care of his brothers"

"She's such an awesome Mother"


Just how many children did this little woman MOTHER?

On and on she went...

And as her story, she retold...

A truth began to emulate through this woman's heart of gold...

For every time the phone DIDN'T ring...
And she STILL kept her Smile...

Another feather was placed in her angel wings,
Another jewel in her mansion's tiles...

And I realized there's more to being a mother,
Than just what meets the eye...
More than the 18+ years to raise you...
More than giving you life...

A Mother's love is the center stage...
To our movie in which we star...
As we step down; she props us up...
And elevates us...
To become who we are...

And THIS Mom knew that God's work doesn't come with a race car....

She doesn't rush it...

Or slow it down...

So her children travel FAR...

She just grins and props them on her shoulders,

Like back when they were small...

She knows being put on the BOTTOM shelf is the PERFECT place to catch you when you fall...

So she smiles...

As do I...

And from my eye a single tear does fall...

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's who wait...

Still leave a plate at the table...

And answer to "NO CALL"...




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