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HWNL | To Much Is Given, Much Is Required


I know you've been asking yourself WHY ME?

Why all these things seem to happen to just YOU?

You feel like you're about the UNLUCKIEST person in human existence and if there IS a God; you're wondering why he made YOU of all people, "The Fly" of your family.

The maggot-birthing, poop-munching, bottom flyer who ALWAYS gets the crap-end of the stick because for whatever reason God chose THEM to be a fly.


Maybe that analogy was a bit much.

But you thought it too at some point...  I just have the gumption to write it and tell our shared story.

Because the truth is...

Something has happened to each one of us that has absolutely ROCKED the ground of our entire existence in some life changing or perhaps mind altering way!

We all have a story...

Each one just as unique as the face behind it...

And with each story told, there are three components:

A right, a wrong, and a moral...

No matter what happens to us; be it positive or negative, it is important to remember that there is a REASON behind it and a lesson to be learned from it...

God uses each one of us for certain purposes according to our strengths...

Like the soldiers on the front line of war; more trained in heavily combat than their fellow soldiers... 

You are stronger willed, more experienced, fearless and more likely to survive the front line where others may not be equiped with the mindset yet have all the same physicality.

Only, the soldiers on the front line volunteered to be there...  They are compensated in some fashion for their efforts.

You didn't ask God for all this pressure and nobody that YOU know can pay you enough to put up with THIS malarkey...

Our meager mindsets would look at this uncompensated valiance as an added injustice.

But I challenge you to a different perception...

Because a SAINT is but a selfless soldier void of premeditated courage...

Meaning...  The greatest LEADERS of all time did so without compensation but simply because they had the courage to do so where others did not.

Dr. Martin Luther King was not given a soldiers wage for his efforts in the marches.

He didn't die a soldier...  Though he was gunned down just like one.

He died a SAINT.

Just like Jesus.

Which leads me to my next point...

Why you???

Because only YOU can withstand the weight of the particular cross you bear.

The same way that God knew ONLY JESUS could do what he did and save humanity.

Only someone with godlike tenacity and veracity could withstand all temptation and be the example to humankind.

And did Jesus deserve the lashes?

Of course not...  Not anymore than you deserved yours...

But here is an IMPORTANT REVELATION to note...

Not every negative thing that we go through is meant as chastisement for US...

Meaning, someone has to be the example...

Jesus didn't commit any crime...

He didn't do anything to seemingly deserve his punishment but it HAD to happen so that the rest of the world can learn a lesson...

Because seriously, what lesson can you teach someone all knowing???  Right?

So the lesson wasn't for Jesus...  It was for us...

Just like MLK died and from his death, the world learned a valuable LESSON that begot much needed change...

When someone dies, they cease to LEARN therefore MLK too died to benefit us all...

You're probably like, well what change came from when my sister was killed?  Or what lesson came from my husband beating me for no reason?

What was the point in all of that?  Why did God make me go through that?


I offer another perception...

God saw you were just like Jacob and could survive the lions den...  He brought you out of the lions den from the enemy's clutches that out you there...

Your husband learned a lesson from his abuse, or his son learned he NEVER wanted to hit a woman and be like his Father.  You learned the signs of uncontrolled anger and became more aware and stronger in your protective nature as a parent.

No matter what...

There is always a lesson and sometimes it's not always meant for your own personal benefit...

God knew you wouldn't send his son to prison for his mental health issues, and you would be the only woman who would love him past his childhood pain..

To the man sitting in prison who didn't commit the crime...  Someone in there probably needs just the wisdom that only you can offer...  Someone needs to hear a song and you are a singer...

No matter what...

There is a reason and a lesson in all that we do and go through.  It is imperative that we train ourselves to seek the good in all things.  

Because we cannot predict the future but we do know regardless of who you are, this one truth is evident...

Life happens...

Something good and something bad is ALWAYS waiting around the corner...

All we can do is retrain our perception of our situations to respond in a way that ATTRACTS more positive energy in your direction...

For example...

My daughter's had 3 bullies at school.  A group of girls whom were obviously jealous of my daughter's beauty and talents and would taunt them every chance they got.  One day, right before Christmas break, my daughters went to the dollar tree and bought them all Christmas presents and a card.  In each card they had a beautiful note written that said:

My daughter's became the most popular girls at their school, highly regarded by both staff and students alike...

They attracted positive energy because they REVERSED the magnetic pull to be angry and vengeful towards their bullies!  Like a magnet reversed to it's attractive side, they began to ATTRACT positive energy instead.

They were straight A students, athletes, and performers...  They won awards, have been featured on TV for charitable efforts... Etc.


To much is given...  Much is required...

To be a leader, you first have to DIE...

However, unlike MLK or Jesus...  We mostly all just have to die of ourselves...  Of our ego and our pride...

Killing with kindness and being the example of unconditional love to those in OUR WORLD...


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